
        Comparative analysis of offshore wind power and photovoltaic power generation

        1. Energy conversion methods:

        Offshore wind power generation utilizes wind turbines to convert wind energy into electrical energy, and achieves the conversion of kinetic energy into electrical energy based on the principle of electromagnetic induction. Photovoltaic power generation uses photovoltaic panels to directly convert solar energy into electricity by using the "photovoltaic effect".


        Due to the mechanical rotating structure of the wind turbine impeller, mechanical faults are prone to occur and are difficult to diagnose. Therefore, the technical level of professional maintenance personnel is required, and the maintenance workload is high. At the same time, offshore wind farms are located offshore, which increases maintenance costs due to environmental factors. All photovoltaic power generation equipment is static components and there is no problem of mechanical wear. Simply training a small number of operating personnel is required to complete the monitoring and maintenance work of the power station operation. But solar panels are prone to dust accumulation and need to be cleaned regularly, otherwise it will affect the power generation. Moreover, cleaning solar panels is more difficult, which brings certain difficulties to cleaning personnel.

        3.Power fluctuation

        Due to the inertia effect of the rotating components of wind turbine machinery during rotation, when the wind stops, the power generated by the wind turbine will not suddenly drop to 0 for a short period of time, and there is a brief buffering process. But the power of photovoltaic power generation completely depends on the intensity of light, and when there is sudden cloud cover, the power of photovoltaic power generation will instantly drop. Therefore, in a smaller time scale, the output curve of wind power and photovoltaic power generation is relatively smooth.

        4.Regularity of power generation

        Due to the characteristic of the sun rising and setting, the photovoltaic power generation curve exhibits a parabolic shape with the noon time axis as the symmetrical axis. However, there is generally no fixed variation pattern for wind speed and direction, so the regularity of wind power daily power curve is not strong.

        5.Impact on the environment

        Rotating components of wind power can cause significant noise pollution and have an impact on surrounding marine organisms. There is basically no noise during the operation of the photovoltaic power station, but the unabsorbed part of the solar light shining on the photovoltaic module will reflect through the photovoltaic module glass layer, causing strong light pollution to the surrounding environment. At the same time, the construction of large-scale photovoltaic power plants will also change local surface temperatures.

        6.Impact on the stability of the power grid

        When a fault occurs on the grid side, the wind turbine will generate a certain damping torque, which has a small impact on the power angle stability of the grid. Numerous literature has shown that wind turbines have a certain beneficial effect on the power angle stability of the power grid. However, photovoltaic power generation equipment does not include rotating components, does not have power angle problems, and does not generate damping torque. Therefore, it does not contribute to the stability of the power angle of the power grid and is not conducive to the restoration of stable operation of the power grid.

        7.Short circuit current characteristics

        When a fault occurs at the grid connection point, the photovoltaic power station can provide a short-circuit current of 120% to 150%, and it continues without attenuation. However, doubly fed wind turbines can provide a maximum short-circuit current of about 300% and gradually decay below the normal rated current; The direct drive generator set can provide about 250% of short-circuit current without any attenuation. Therefore, when the grid fails, the photovoltaic power station is not conducive to the correct operation of the protection device compared to the wind turbine.


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