
        Worm gear reducer RV

        Smooth and quiet operation

        • ?>
        • Power ranges: 0.06 - 15kW
        • Torque: 10- 5700Nm
        • Ratio:5-5000:1

        Mounting position:                      RV-FA , RV-FB , RV-FC , RV-FD , RV-RV   

        Single stage mounting position: B3, B6 , B7 , B8 , V5 , V6

        Double stage mounting position:AS1 , AS2 , VS1 , VS2 , PS1 , PS2 , BS1 , BS2

        The worm gear reducer body adopts a modular design, equipped with a series of easy to install components, providing greater flexibility for different applications, and adding a combination of two-stage worm gear reducers. Stable operation, suitable for industries such as food processing, textile and papermaking, chemical cleaning, etc.

        Output shaft: Solid shaft, hollow shaft 

        Mounting type:Foot-mounted , Flange-mounted, Torque arm-mounted

        ◆ Compact structure, small size, small and efficient

        ◆ Good heat exchange performance, heat dissipation block

        ◆ Easy to install, flexible and lightweight, with superior performance

        ◆ Large transmission ratio, high torque, and high load-bearing capacity

        ◆ Stable operation, low noise, and durability


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